Cross-browser window resize event using JavaScript/jQuery
The resize() method is an inbuilt method in jQuery that is used when the browser window changes its size. The resize() method triggers the resize event or attaches a function to run when a resize event occurs. jQuery has a built-in method for window resizing events....
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What is the Disadvantage of using innerHTML in JavaScript ?
The innerHTML property is a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) that is used to set or return the HTML content of an element. Where the return value represents the text content of the HTML element. It allows JavaScript code to manipulate a website being displayed. More specifically, it sets or returns the HTML content (the inner HTML) of an element. The innerHTML property is widely used to modify the contents of a webpage as it is the easiest way of modifying DOM. But there are some disadvantages to using innerHTML in JavaScript....
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Automated Login For Captive Portals in Linux
Every time you connect to a private network, may it be your college, office, school, etc. the captive portal screen appears where you have to enter your credentials provided by the organization. The idea is to automate that process so that whenever we are connected to any router in the same network, it automatically gets logged in....
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How to iterate through all selected elements into an array ?
The task is to add all the selected HTML elements into an array and iterate through the array. To achieve this, the first step is to select all the desired elements. There are several ways to do this....
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Why to put “_” in front of filename in SCSS ?
When we add “_” in front of the SCSS file, it means that it is partial for SCSS. When the compiler gets any SCSS files starting with “_”, it simply ignores the file. If you want this partial for SCSS to be included for styles, you must use @import. The advantage of using partials is that you can use style files to organize your code and all the files would be compiled on a single file. The purpose of partial SCSS is to keep your styles separated into logical sections. In the end, we want one SCSS file to have complied whereas we can have many logical partial SCSS files....
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HTTP/2 Client feature of Java 9 with Example
HTTP/2 Client: HTTP/2 client is one of the feature of JDK 9. HTTP/2 is the newest version of the HTTP Protocol. By the help of HTTP/2 client, from the Java application, we can send the HTTP request and we can process the HTTP response. Before JDK 9, To send HTTP request and to process the HTTP response we are using HttpURLConnection class. Now you will wonder why HTTP/2 client is introduced in JDK 9 when we have HttpURLConnection to solve the purpose. But the existing HttpURLConnection has few problems that are eliminated in HTTP/2 client....
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How to make checkbox visible when hover or select the element?
In this article, we will learn How to make a checkbox visible when:...
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What are the differences and Similarities Between Lumen and Laravel?
Before diving into deep you have to know what are those things so Lumen is a microservice and Laravel is a full-stack framework....
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How to change the width and height of Twitter Bootstrap’s tooltips?
Bootstrap tooltip: A Tooltip is used to provide interactive textual hints to the user about the element when the mouse pointer moves over. Standardized bootstrap element collection like a small pop-up which appears whenever user performs any specific action click, hover(default), and focus on that element. It also supports manual trigger for specific events....
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HTTP headers | Pragma
The Pragma is a no-cache general-type CORS-safe listed response header field in an HTTP/1.0 header which is intended to use in the request-response chain. A pragma header meant to prevent the client from caching the response, pragma means the browsers to tell the server and any intermediate caches that it wants a fresh version of the resource and vice-versa is not true....
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Associate user to its upload (post) in Django
Django provides built-in facilities of ForeignKey, and ManytoManyField for associating one model to another model. To associate a user model to a post model, one can use various options. This article revolves around how to associate a user to its post (post model). This tutorial uses the concept of foreign keys in Django and at the end, one will be able to create an application of post upload and also a profile app which contains all the past uploads of the user....
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United Health Group (Optum) Interview Experience | On-Campus Internship
Optum (UHG) came in our institute to hire intern (summer internship). First round was online round ....
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